The Coming of Anna (The Manhattan Series) Page 3
“Was that the only time he beat you?” Thomas asked.
“No. It became like a pattern. Sometimes months would go by without him touching me. But then, sometimes out of the blue, he would just beat me. There were times that he would beat me every day for weeks. He also strangled me a few times. Then it would stop just as suddenly as it started and everything would be fine for a few weeks, sometimes months.”
“Did your children ever witness him hitting you?”
“No. Or yes, once when Annabelle was about two years old, he shoved me really hard against the wall in the hallway. As he lifted his fist, she came in. She cried out really loud and that startled him. He just stood there, staring at her. I was too scared to go to her and pick her up, in case he hit me while I was holding her. But to my astonishment, he picked her up and just cuddled her. He never hit me again after that.”
“So did you have a happy marriage from then on?”
“No. I can really not remember any time except for the first couple of weeks into our marriage that we were really happy. When the physical abuse stopped, he started breaking me down emotionally. He would tell me how stupid I was, how nobody was interested in me as a person in any way and how even my children would one day come to despise me. There were times he would force me to resign my job and I had to stay at home for a while – only for him to start telling me that I was too lazy to work and that I was always looking at him to provide for me and our children.”
“I honestly don’t know how you stayed married to such a man for so many years.”
“When you are told how worthless and revolting you are, you start believing it. Emotionally I became completely dependent on him. I got scared when I thought about the children growing up and one day leaving the house. What if the physical abuse started again? By now I knew Mark well enough to know he was capable of murder.”
“So when did you finally decide to leave him?”
“I did not. You may not believe it, but I thought my only choice was to make our marriage work. And then, shortly before our children moved into their own place, he left me. One morning he just came to me as I was leaving for work and told me that he would not be there that afternoon. He was moving out and he wanted a divorce as soon as possible. It was only later that I faced the truth about the other women.”
“Did you know all along or did you only find out after the fact?”
“I knew all along that there were other women. So much of what he said and did just did not make sense. I would find all kinds of proof that he had been with someone else. A few times well-meaning people even called or came to the house and told me about some woman he was cheating on me with. But somehow I pushed it to the back of my mind and never allowed myself to think about it. Even after he left me I never allowed myself to picture him with another woman.”
“The crisis came when his doctor called me about six months after he left me. He had been diagnosed with HIV. He did not have AIDS but he was HIV positive and according to the doctor, I most likely would test positive as well.”
“I could not ignore it any longer. I had to have myself tested regularly for six months before they knew for sure I was not HIV positive. Being confronted with Mark’s cheating in such a harsh and real way, forced me to face that demon. It made me mistrust people and men in particular even more than before.”
“Come here,” Thomas said as he drew me closer to him. “I will never cheat on a woman I am in any kind of relationship with. And I would surely never beat a woman or hurt her in any way. I am sorry that you had to live through all of that. Now I am here and while I am around, you will never be hurt. I promise you that. I will kill anyone who dares to hurt you.”
I have just walked into the house, when my phone rings. I have not heard from Thomas all day and jump to answer his call. I have missed him so much but I try to keep my voice even as to not let him hear my excitement.
“Hello, Darling. How was your day? Did those little monsters give you a hard time today?”
“Hi. My day was okay; just a bit long. I just got home. How was your day?”
“It was a monster. I had one meeting after another. Then one of the guys at the factory almost cut his hand off with one of the saws and I had to see that he gets the right care. Do you have any idea how much paperwork is involved when a worker gets hurt at work? I have people who are supposed to be on top of all these things but I like to be involved with the everyday running of the business. Especially as far as my personnel is concerned. Fortunately the doctor said his hand is going to be okay. He is going to be off work for about six weeks, so HR will have to find someone to replace him as soon as possible. Reliable temporary staff is hard to come by.”
“My poor darling. You must be very tired. Do you want to come over and I can cook us something?”
“No. That is why I am calling. It was such a stressful day. I feel like going to a bar tonight. Will you like to come with me? We can have something to eat somewhere if you like.”
“That sounds great. At what time must I be ready?”
“Will it be okay if I pick you up in about an hour? Wear something comfortable. It is not a fancy place. I like going there when I really need to relax. And what I need tonight is you and a really stiff drink.”
“Okay, I will be ready in an hour.”
I put down the phone and jump in the shower. I was tired but the thought of spending another night with Thomas, energises me and when he stops in front of the door, I am ready to leave.
I can see Thomas’ appreciative glance as I walk to his car in my tight leather pants. I smile a bit when I think about the fact that I am not wearing anything underneath. And there is no bra under my black t-shirt, either. Fortunately Mother Nature has been good to me. After breastfeeding two children I can still get away with leather pants and no bra.
I get into his car and he gives me a kiss, which I return just as gladly as I jumped into the car.
He asks: “Are you ready?”
“Yes, we can go. Where exactly is it we are going?”
“Oh, you will just have to wait to find out what the night holds,” he says with a seductive smile.
He puts on my favourite CD and we drive off. I softly sing along to the song. I notice Thomas looking at me with a smile and lean in for a kiss.
“Hey, eyes on the road, Buster!”
He laughs and puts his hand on my thigh and then higher up to my waist. I know exactly what he is doing. He is trying to feel if I have panties on. Naughty boy! I give him my most seductive smile, as I am sure he is already horny. Where is he taking me?
At the traffic light, he again tries leaning in for a kiss but is interrupted by the honking of a car behind us. The light has turned green and he has to go.
“You aren't wearing any panties, my darling,” he says.
I feel a little reckless tonight, so my only reply to him is my hand on the inside of his thigh, right next to his growing cock. He keeps driving without another word as I rub his now full-grown hard on. When I unzip his jeans, much to my surprise I see that he is also not wearing any underwear. He laughs at the astonishment on my face as he zips up before I can do anything else.
“We are here, my darling. And no use you act surprised. You don’t have any underwear on either, you sexy thing.”
As we step out of the car, Thomas takes me by the hand and leads me inside a dimly lit bar. He leads me to a small table in the corner of the room.
A couple is just leaving. When they walk past us, the girl whispers in my ear: “That is a really lucky corner. Go for it.”
We sit down and Thomas pulls in all the pillows, making sure I am comfortable. He heads to the bar and comes back with a cocktail for me and a scotch for him. I feel relaxed with the music playing in the background.
The velvety feel of the place runs over me and with the smooth red drink going down my throat, I feel myself slipping into a state of only sub-consciousness. I cannot remember w
hen last I have felt this relaxed.
Thomas puts his hand around my back. We do not speak much but use our other senses to communicate. He gives me a deep kiss. While holding my drink in my one hand, I caress his chest with the other. He puts one hand between my knees on the inside of my thighs. Slowly his hand moves upward. I can feel my body responding to his gentle caress. His hand finally reaches my pussy and he starts rubbing it through my pants. I can feel the heat rising within me but I push him away. I am not used to such public shows of affection but somehow tonight I do not care if the whole world sees me. Even though we are in a dark corner of the bar, someone could still see us if they are really looking.
“Excuse me for just a minute. I need to use the ladies’ room.”
When I come back to the table, I have changed into a short denim skirt. I giggle at the surprise on his face.
“Yes, you never know what I could be hiding in my handbag.”
“It seems to me I need to take a journey through your handbag sometime. I might learn some of your secrets,” he replies.
When I sit down next to him, he immediately continues where he left off. I am very wet and I know he can feel it as he pushes a finger inside me. It slides in easily, even though I can feel that I am still very tight. As he pulls his finger out, I let out a little moan. I open my eyes and see him lick his finger. The sight of him enjoying my juices drives me crazy and all I want to do is get on him. But even though the bar is so dimly lit, people will be able to see if I go that far and I am not feeling that reckless… yet.
Thomas must be in sync with my thoughts because he quickly finishes his drink and gets up.
He holds out his hand at me: “Are you ready to leave? Time for stop number two of our evening, my darling.”
He has a coy smile on his face. I know that between the drink I had and the feelings rushing through me I cannot be thinking clearly. With his finger inside me, Thomas took me right to the brink of no return. But I trust him, so I get up and follow him out of the bar. That certainly was a lucky corner!
He turns the key and we drive off. I can see his strong profile against the glow of the streetlights. I do not even care where we are going. As long as I can be with him; enjoy him as I have been up to now.
“Let me continue where I had to stop before we went to the bar,” I say and unzip his pants.
I start stroking his hard cock and I can see he loves the feel of my hand on him.
“Anna, I am going to cum if you don’t stop. Stop!”
I stop and open the window on my side an inch in an effort to let the fresh air clear my head a bit. What is going on with me? I feel like I cannot control myself. I just want Thomas to ravish me and forget about the rest of the world. The cool night air helps me recover a bit.
We stop in front of a tall building on the west end of the city. Thomas tells me to wait in the car for him and goes inside. Where are we? I look around and realise he has stopped in front of his offices. He has told me that he owns an office building but he only uses one floor for his own business. The rest he rents out to other companies. His factory and workshops are in another part of town. When he told me this, it was so matter-of-fact that I did not realise the enormity of his business. It is only now, sitting in front of this beautiful steel and glass structure, that I get a glimpse into the business part of his life.
Thomas soon comes back and leads me out of the car, into the front door of the dark building. The only light I see is the glow from the streetlights outside but it shines brightly enough through the huge windows that we can easily find our way through the maze of offices and workrooms. The whole building is hulled in an eerie darkness and the feeling that we are somewhere we are not supposed to be, excites me. We go to the back of the building where we get into a service elevator. I am glad the inside of the elevator lit up as soon as the doors opened. Being in a pitch-dark elevator in a deserted building at night is not the most romantic thing I can think of.
I squint my eyes against the sharp light and Thomas encircles me with his arms. He presses my head against his shoulder and holds me while we ride the elevator to the top floor.
As we step out of the elevator back into darkness, I can hardly make out the door in front of me. When Thomas opens the door, my eyes widen in amazement.
The roof is lit up with a web of fairy lights. There is a small table with two chairs. Next to it is a table full of the most exquisite finger food. There is also wine and champagne to suit every taste. A huge daybed with blankets and pillows fill part of the roof. Soft music plays in the background and drowns out the sounds of the city below.
“Are you having a party?” I ask, astonished.
He laughs: “Yes, we are having a party. I will be the host and you, my dear, my only guest. Are you hungry?”
“Famished,” I say as he leads me to the table. I cannot stop looking around at the amazing scene surrounding me.
We make us each a plate and Thomas pours some champagne into two flutes.
As we sit down at the table, I ask: “When did you put all this together? It definitely could not have been during the few minutes I was waiting in the car. Or do you always have it at the ready?”
“No, this is usually a bare roof with just a couple of tables and chairs for the smokers and other workers who need some fresh air. I have a very competent assistant called Eileen. She has taken over the mother role in my life and when I told her I wanted to do something romantic for you, she put all of this together. Of course most of it was my idea!” He laughs.
“I think Eileen wants to see me married so she does not have to leave her soap operas during the evening to accompany me to all my business functions. See, I told you my life has revolved around work. But now I have you filling every corner of my mundane life and making it exciting and worth living.”
He leans over and we kiss with only the sound of the music in the background.
“Anna, I think I am falling in love with you.”
He draws away from me a bit. I see him watching me but the declaration came so sudden that, for what feels like a lifetime, I am unable to react.
“I’m sorry. I know we haven’t known each other for a long time. I know you have been burnt by love in the past. But I can tell you I have never felt like this about anyone. I am a businessman. When I make a decision, I don’t procrastinate about it. I don’t worry about what convention says. I met you, I get to know you a little better each day and the one thing I know is that I do not want you to leave my life ever again. So yes, I am quite sure that I am falling in love with you.”
“Thomas, I do not know if what I am feeling is love. I just know that I think of you constantly and that I can hardly wait for the time I am in your arms each day. I have never found it so hard to concentrate on my job as I have been lately. I think I might be falling in love with you too. But I am scared. You know a little bit about my past but there is still so much I have not had a chance to tell you. It is difficult for me to trust men. But you are so different from anyone I know. With you, I feel safe; I feel like I can just be myself and give myself to you without having to hold back. And that I have never felt before.”
He gets up and pulls me up from my chair. He picks me up and carries me over to the daybed, where he lays me down without once breaking eye contact.
Thomas puts both his hands under my shirt. He takes it off in one smooth movement. When my shirt is off, he gently pushes me back onto the pillows. He rolls on top of me and starts kissing my neck. His feather light kisses send shivers down my spine. He starts licking downwards while his hands are already exploring the rest of me. His hands start moving up as his mouth approaches my breasts. Just before he takes a nipple into his mouth, he looks up at me and cups both my breasts with his warm hands.
“Go on. Please don’t stop,” I beg him, remembering the last time he went down on me.
He licks my right nipple as his hand plays with my left breast; squeezing it, pinching my
nipple, pulling it softly and lightly biting the other one. I cannot help but moan and I whisper: “Please take me.”
“Not yet,” he replies hoarsely.
He starts licking downwards softly until he reaches my belly. His tongue traces circles around my bellybutton and then licks the inside. He lifts his head and looks straight into my eyes. He puts his hands on my waist and starts pulling the blue denim skirt off me.
I know he will be inside my hot, wet pussy soon and I love the feeling of anticipation. He gets up and quickly removes his shirt and pants. But he does not enter me immediately. As he gives a small smile, he moves himself down to my feet and starts licking up my leg. He does not skip my pussy. He licks right over it in one swoop and I know he has to be able to smell my juices that are by now slowly seeping from me. I am so aroused that I am completely under his spell.
But still he does not give in to my woes. He licks all the way up to my face and I start kissing him passionately, drawing his face as close to mine as I can manage. I roll over so I can be on top of him. As I feel the cool night air against my warm skin, I know I cannot wait for him to be inside me any longer. I cup his balls but do not apply pressure. They feel warm and full. I pull myself up and let my pussy engulf his erect cock. He moans.
I am now in control and he is at my mercy. I ride him hard and fast and with every thrust I feel my ass hitting the top of his legs. It feels like his cock is getting even thicker and harder as I ride him and I know he must be aware of my juices pouring out of my pussy, coating his hips and even the top of his legs.
I can feel him exploding inside me. As his juices mix with mine, Thomas surprises me by lifting me off his cock. He moves down as he lifts my pussy over his face, licking my pussy and taking as much of our juices pouring out of me as he can swallow.
We lie there for most of the night, drinking champagne and making love over and over again. It is long after midnight when I wake from a dream and realize I must have dozed off. I look at his strong body, lying asleep in the light of the moon shining right above us. The wind has come up a bit and the cool night air makes me shiver. How different is he from the other men I have been with before?